Why Kidemy?

Reading books for your kids is just matter of some clicks now
The pandemic brought a huge deal of fear, uncertainty, and change of routine for everyone, especially families with small children, and that put a bigger responsibility on our shoulders as adults to provide entertainment and peace of mind for our kids and help them ease the challenges while keeping them safe.
With the temporary closure of public libraries due to pandemic, the access to free entertainment and educational books and videos became limited, and therefore, there was a need for more online resources, so kids could keep on reading and keep busy while staying safe at home.


User Research
In order to validate  and understand the problem while emphasizing a user-centric approach, we
conducted user surveys and interviews to gather more data on users, their needs, behaviors and pain points.
69.5% Reported that reading books are among their favorite activity to do
69.8% Reported that they spend less than an hour daily to read books. The recommended amount is 20 minutes per day
45.8% Rated 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5) that kids show interest in reading time
82% Rated 4 and 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5) that parents show interest in reading time
Competitive Analysis
To find out how Kidemy can be positioned among competitors, we took a close look at Khan Academy kids and Epic to identify SWOT.
User Persona
Our persona is Sara who represents a major group of parents with similar goals and viewpoints.
After gathering the user insight and listening to their concerns, we created user stories and constructed the sitemap and user accordingly.
User Flow
Users emphasized on being able to access a variety of content easily and anywhere, being able to encourage their kids to read more, and being able to have supervision power over how much time they spend and what kind of books they read. Therefore, we decided to strategically implement those task within the app as follows:
▪️Ability to create a parental account using the phone number or email
▪️Ability to choose curated collection by choosing desired categories
▪️Access to audio books and videos
▪️Ability to create a profile page to switch between accounts or change settings
Paper Prototype
We started with sketching after defining the basic functions. Hand drawing sketches helped us to find a right way to discuss a difficult moment for users before we move on to the user interface.
Lo-Fi Wireframes
In order to understand how Kidemy works, we created a digital wireframe and identified the relationship between pages, buttons and elements. While creating a wireframe, we constantly referred back to our users and persona and made sure to implement what’s best for them.
User Testing
In order to gather feedback from users and test the prototype usability, we tested the MVP with two parents and one kid.
Below, are some of the key findings:

▪️Overall positive reaction
▪️Confusing login method
▪️Dashboard design seemed unexpected
▪️Book page was confusing
▪️The on-boarding pages were interesting and easy to navigate
Typography & Colors
Based on our research, young kids, specifically 6-8 years old require recognition that they have moved past simple websites and are ready for more grown up looking visuals. The colors can still be bright but with added depth and more layered icons and more complex images. The typography still needs to be simple and readable but with more challenging vocabulary.
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High Fidelity Prototype